In the Layers panel, you can select the object or layer you want to duplicate, hold, and drag it to the Create New Layer button. You can also select the object or layer, then use the flyout menu in the upper right corner and choose the duplicate option. The last way to duplicate in the Layers panel is to select the object or layer, hold Alt, and drag it down to the space.
My name is April, in this tutorial, we are going to look at how to duplicate an object or layer in Adobe Illustrator. This will all happen in the Layers panel. This does not include the basic copy-and-paste features for an object.
Let’s take a look.
Table of Contents
Key Takeaways
- Select and drag down to the Create New Layer button in the Layers panel.
- Select the object or layer, then click the flyout menu in the upper right corner of the Layers panel, then choose Duplicate “layer name”.
- Select, the hold Alt/Option and drag down to the empty space in the Layers panel.
- Duplicating a layer is different from duplicating an artboard in Adobe Illustrator.
- Duplicating layers is like replicating objects on the artboard. You can have many layers on an artboard.
Note: The screenshots from this tutorial are taken from Adobe Illustrator CC Windows version.
How to Duplicate an Object/Layer in Adobe Illustrator
For this article, we are not including options that would work for an object that won’t work for a layer. If you do not already have your Layers panel shown, go to the main overhead menu, and click Window > Layers (keyboard shortcut F7).
Method 1: Layer Panel > Create New Layer
In the Layers panel, select the object/layer you want to duplicate. Hold and drag it to the Create New Layer button.
Release your mouse and the object/layer duplicate will appear.
In the Layers panel, select the object/layer you want to duplicate. Click the flyout menu and then click Duplicate “layer name”. For example, I selected Layer 2, so it shows Duplicate “Layer 2”.
If you have an object selected, it will appear as a Duplicate “Object” or Duplicate “Group”.
Extra Tip: Using names or different colors to differentiate your layers prevents errors. You do that by selecting the Layer > Options menu > Options for Layer.
Note: The three dots represent the name of the layer
You can change the name and color of the layer here.
Method 3: Keyboard Shortcut
In the Layers panel, select the object/layer you want to duplicate.
Hold Alt/Option on the keyboard, click, and drag the object/layer down to the open space in the Layers panel. Release and a duplicate will be added.
There is no shortcut to duplicate a layer in Adobe Illustrator. However, you can duplicate objects in a layer. Use the shortcut Ctrl (Command for Mac users) + C to copy and Ctrl/Command + V to paste.
If you have new empty layers, you can quickly copy the objects in the existing layer and paste them into the new layer. You have somehow duplicated a layer.
Final Thoughts
The Layers panel is a very useful tool for complex designs. It can also be very helpful to quickly duplicate a layer or object. Often when a client asks for changes, I will duplicate the whole layer. This helps me in case I make a mistake on something as I am making changes, or in case the clients say they want to go with the first version!
Have you tried to duplicate a layer in Illustrator? Which method did you prefer to use? Let me know in the comments below.